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Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Word to Pdf generator tool

Word to PDF Generator Tool

Word to PDF Generator Tool

Age Calculator

Age Calculator

Age Calculator

Friday, March 17, 2023

How to make all out liquid at home

 All Out is a commercial insect repellent liquid that contains active ingredients such as allethrin and d-trans allethrin. While it is possible to make a similar product at home, it may not be as effective or safe as the commercial product.

That being said, here is a recipe for How to make all out liquid at home insect repellent liquid:


1 cup of water 1 cup of white vinegar 20 drops of eucalyptus oil 20 drops of citronella oil 10 drops of lemon oil


Mix the water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Add the eucalyptus oil, citronella oil, and lemon oil. Shake the bottle well to mix the ingredients.
Spray the mixture around the areas where insects are present, such as windows and doors. Please note that while these ingredients are generally considered safe, they may cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in some individuals. It is always a good idea to test a small area first and discontinue use if any adverse reactions occur. Additionally, homemade insect repellent may not be as effective as commercial products, so use caution and take other measures to protect yourself from insect bites.

How to make all out liquid at home in hindi

ऑल आउट एक कमर्शियल कीट रिपेलेंट तरल है जो एलेथ्रिन और डी-ट्रांस एलेथ्रिन जैसे सक्रिय तत्वों को शामिल करता है। हालांकि घर पर एक समान उत्पाद बनाना संभव है, लेकिन यह कमर्शियल उत्पाद से अधिक प्रभावी या सुरक्षित नहीं हो सकता। उसके अलावा, यहाँ एक होममेड कीट रिपेलेंट तरल बनाने की रेसिपी है:


1 कप पानी 1 कप सफेद सिरका 20 बूंद यूकलिप्टस तेल 20 बूंद सिट्रोनेला तेल 10 बूंद नींबू तेल


स्प्रे बोतल में पानी और सफेद सिरका मिलाएं। यूकलिप्टस तेल, सिट्रोनेला तेल और नींबू तेल जोड़ें। सामग्री को अच्छी तरह से हिला कर मिलाएं। जहां कीट होते हैं, जैसे खिड़कियां और दरवाजे, वहां इस मिश्रण को स्प्रे करें। कृपया ध्यान दें कि ये सामग्री सामान्यतया सुरक्षित मानी जाती हैं, लेकिन कुछ व्यक्तियों में त्वचा दर्द या एलर्जी उत्पन्न कर सकते हैं। हमेशा पहले एक छोटे से इलाके का परीक्षण करना और किसी भी खिडकी या दरवाजे पर स्प्रे को डालकर चेक कर ले।

Saturday, March 11, 2023

How to Get Free RDP for YouTube Views, Watchtime, CPM, & Website Traffic: Boost Your Online Presence

How to create RDP

Open the site of google 
after open site do not clink on free account
click on Console button 
create account

after that click on yallow mark button (active cloud shell)

Click on continue 

Paste  this code here : 

docker run -p 8080:80 dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc

press enter

conecting automatic start proxy

after that click on web preview button and change preview port 

and paste : 8080

use port: 8080 OR 6070

Use RDP service click left corner button and start Firefox

use port: 8080 OR 6070

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Adsterra Vast Video Ads with upload video google drive show In Blogger

Play with Supourt of Fluid Player Link

Fluid Player Html Code :

Please Note : [ Change Your Embedd Video Url Link & Adsterra Vast Ad Code

<script src="https://cdn.fluidplayer.com/v3/current/fluidplayer.min.js"></script>
<video id="video-id"><source src="your vido url" type="video/mp4" />
    var myFP = fluidPlayer(
        'video-id', {
"layoutControls": {
"controlBar": {
"autoHideTimeout": 3,
"animated": true,
"autoHide": true
"htmlOnPauseBlock": {
"html": null,
"height": null,
"width": null
"autoPlay": false,
"mute": true,
"allowTheatre": true,
"playPauseAnimation": true,
"playbackRateEnabled": true,
"allowDownload": false,
"playButtonShowing": false,
"fillToContainer": false,
"posterImage": ""
"vastOptions": {
"adList": [
"roll": "preRoll",
"vastTag": "your vast code ",
"adText": ""
"adCTAText": false,
"adCTATextPosition": ""

Make this type of script use this embedd video code with video id 

Embedd Video Code : https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=

earn with this methed with upload indian drama on google drive and link with video on you blog post with maximum ads on adstria 

For Youtube video embed on blogger site use this source code

<iframe id="player"src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Your Video Id"></iframe>
(but this is show only in small display not full screen ) 

like - kapil sharma show, indian drama, saregamapa, also movies any video you can download and upload on google drive published on blogger with using that script method  

Monday, January 16, 2023

script for blog "jpg to pdf"


Converting image files, such as JPGs, to PDFs can be useful for a variety of reasons. PDFs are a great way to share documents because they can be easily opened and viewed on any device and they maintain the formatting of the original document. In this blog post, we will go over how to convert JPG to PDF in a few simple steps.

Method 1: Using Adobe Acrobat

  1. Open Adobe Acrobat on your computer.
  2. Click on the "Create" button in the top menu.
  3. Select "PDF from File" and then select the JPG file you want to convert.
  4. The file will automatically be converted and saved as a PDF.

Method 2: Using Online Converters

  1. Go to an online JPG to PDF converter such as SmallPDF or Adobe's online converter.
  2. Select the JPG file you want to convert.
  3. Wait for the file to be converted and then download the resulting PDF.

Method 3: Using Microsoft Office

  1. Open Microsoft Word on your computer.
  2. Click on the "Insert" tab in the top menu.
  3. Select "Picture" and then select the JPG file you want to convert.
  4. Once the image is inserted, go to "File" and select "Save As."
  5. Select "PDF" as the file type and then save the file.


Converting JPGs to PDFs is easy and can be done using a variety of different methods. Whether you choose to use Adobe Acrobat, an online converter, or Microsoft Office, the process is simple and the resulting PDF will maintain the formatting of the original JPG. It's a great way to share image files in a more widely compatible format.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Keywords that tend to have a high CPC

Cost-per-click (CPC) is a metric used to determine the cost of a particular ad campaign on platforms such as Google Ads. The CPC for a particular keyword can vary depending on a number of factors, including the competitiveness of the keyword, the industry, and the relevancy of the ad.

Generally speaking, keywords in certain industries tend to have a higher CPC than others. For example, keywords related to legal services, healthcare, and insurance tend to have a higher CPC than keywords related to hobbies or personal interests. Additionally, keywords that are highly competitive, such as those related to popular consumer products or services, can also have a higher CPC.

Here are some examples of industries and keywords that tend to have a high CPC:

-Legal Services : Lawyers, Attorneys, Law Firms
-Healthcare : Plastic Surgery, Health Insurance, Medical Tourism 
-Finance: Accounting, Investing, Tax 
-Real Estate: Mortgages, Property, Realtors 
-Technology : Software development, IT consulting, Cloud hosting 
-Auto insurance, Car rental -Travel, luxury cruises 
-Education : Online degree, language classes, colleges 
-Job listing: Hiring, Employment, Recruiting

It's important to keep in mind that these are general examples, and actual CPCs can vary depending on a number of factors, including the specific keywords used, the ad copy, and the audience targeting.

Keep in mind that targeting long-tail keywords will cost less than targeting broad terms. Always analyse your competitors, industry trend and target the keywords that are most suitable to your business and have the potential of conversion.

And also, consider targeting long-tail keywords that are specific to your business, which tend to have a lower CPC than broad keywords. Additionally, try to make your ad more relevant to the user by using ad copy and ad extensions that are directly related to the keyword.

"CPC" stands for "cost per click," and is a term used in online advertising to refer to the amount that an advertiser pays each time a user clicks on one of their ads. High CPC keywords are keywords or phrases that advertisers are willing to pay a lot of money for each click on an ad that uses those keywords. These keywords are typically related to products or services that are in high demand and/or have a high commercial value.

Some examples of high CPC keywords might include:

  • "mesothelioma lawyer" (related to legal services for people who have been diagnosed with a specific type of cancer)
  • "personal injury lawyer" (related to legal services for people who have been injured in accidents)
  • "structured settlement" (related to financial services for people who have received a settlement from a lawsuit)
  • "buy car"
  • "donate car"
  • "auto insurance"
  • "auto loans"
  • "mortgage rates"
  • "insurance quotes"
  • "personal loans"

It's worth noting that the CPC for a given keyword can vary depending on a number of factors, including the specific platform (e.g., Google, Bing, etc.) that the ad is being run on, the targeting options that the advertiser has chosen, and the overall level of competition for the keyword.

In order to find high CPC keywords you can use keyword research tool such as Google Keyword Planner. It will show you the CPC, competition and search volume for specific keywords. Also you can use SEMrush, Ahrefs, Keywords Everywhere and other tools that gives you more insights on the keywords.

Monday, December 26, 2022

दुनिया की सबसे महंगी फिल्म 'अवतार' द वे आफ वाटर

दुनिया की सबसे महंगी फिल्म 'अवतार' द वे आफ वाटर को पहले दिन स्क्रीन और मल्टिप्लेक्स सिनेमा घ्ररो में 75 से 85 प्रतिशत की कमाई हुई है। इस फिल्म पर लगभग 2000 करोड़ रुपये खर्च हुये है।

डायरेक्टर जेम्स कैमरॉन की इस फिल्म को हिंदी और अंग्रेजी के अलावा तमिल और तेलुगू भाषाओ में रिलीज किया गया है। 3डी टेक्नॉलजी और दो हजार करोड़ रुपये के बजट से बनी फिल्म को लेकर दर्शक काफी उत्साहित है। जेम्स ने अपने साथी सहयोगियों के साथ मिलकर 3डी तकनीक को इस्तामाल कर स्पेशल कैमरा बनाया और इसी कैमरे से इस फिल्म की शूटिंग हुई।

जेम्स ने फिल्म में ऐसे कई किरदारों को पेश किया है जिनका अपना कोई वजूद नहीं है। साल 2154 की इस कहानी के मुख्य किरदार जैक सल्ली (सैम वर्थटिंगटन) को एक गुप्त मिशन के अंतर्गत एक काल्पनिक ग्रह पंडारा भेजा जाता है। इस ग्रह पर जाने के लिए जैक को एक खास प्रोग्राम अवतार नीले प्राणी से लैस किया जाता है। 
इस बार की कहानी जैसा कि द वे आफ वाटर है पानी के अन्दर सारे ग्रफिक्स का इस्तेमाल करके बहुत ही रोमांचक बनाया गया है जैक अपने परिवार के साथ पानी के सहारे रहने वाले और वहा जीवन खोजकर कबीले के सरकार के साथ रहने लगता है जैक के बच्चे भी वहा सभी लोगो के साथ घुलमिल जाते है। 
तभी फिर आसमानी लोग जैक को डूडते हुये वहा पहुच ही जाते है और फिर शुरू होता है युद्ध का माहौल। जिसको देखने के बाद लगता है कि जेम्स ने फिल्म में इतना पैसा क्यो खर्च किया है सारे सीन अन्डर वाटर के है जिसको देखने के लिए सिनेमा घरो में जाकर ही देखे तभी समझ में आयेगी और अवतार द वाटर को देखने से पहले अगर 2009 में रिलीज हुई अवतार को देखकर जाये तो ज्यादा अच्छा अनुभव होगा।

जैक की भूमिका में सैम ने एक ऐसा किरदार निभाया है जो एकसाथ दो जिंदगी जीता है। पंडारा ग्रह पर पहुंचने के बाद सैम का दूसरी दुनिया के लोगों से रिश्ता जोड़ना और आकाश की दुनिया के लोगों के साथ जंग करने के लिए उन्हें एकजुट करने वाले सींस में सैम खूब जमे है। बाकी कलाकारों में साल्दना, सीक्योर्नी ने बेहतरीन अभिनय किया है।

एक ऐसी नई दुनिया को देखने का एहसास जहां सब कुछ आपके सपनों लगेगा सुहाना और लाजवाब है। 3डी और फिल्म के ऐसे अद्भुत स्पेशल इफेक्ट को देखने के लिए सिनेमा घरो में अवश्य जाये इससे पहले शायद ही ऐसे सीन आपने देखे हों।

Friday, December 23, 2022

Infinix Y1 80 cm (32 inch) HD Ready LED Smart Linux TV with Wall Mount (32Y1)

 Bring home the Infinix 32Y1 Smart TV to experience infinite and uninterrupted visuals while watching movies, TV shows, sports, news or more. It features up to 250 Nits of the super bright panel, 1200 (Typ) contrast ratio and HLG support to ensure a fascinating viewing experience. Also, this TV comes with 20 W dual speakers and Dolby audio so that you can have a cinematic surround sound experience while watching movies or listening to music. Driven by a Quad-core processor, it renders a seamless TV watching experience. Furthermore, this Smart TV comes loaded with pre-installed streaming apps like Prime Video, Youtube, SonyLiv, and more to make your TV streaming experience more engaging. Finally, thanks to the innovatively designed remote control, you can effortlessly operate the hotkeys to switch on Youtube and Prime videos on it.


In The Box
  • 1N LED TV, 1N Remote Control, 2N Base Stands, 2N Batteries, 1N User Manual, 4N Screws, 1N Wall Mount, 1N Warranty Card
Model Name
  • 32Y1
  • Black
Display Size
  • 80 cm (32 inch)
Screen Type
  • LED
HD Technology & Resolution
  • HD Ready, 1366 x 768
  • Y1
Smart Tv
  • Yes
  • 3
  • 2
Wi-Fi Type
  • 802.11 b/g/n 2T2R
Built In Wi-Fi
  • Yes
Launch Year
  • 2022
Wall Mount Included
  • Yes
Video Features
  • 250 nits
Contrast Ratio
  • 1200:1 (Typical) (Static)
Analog TV Reception
  • Yes
Digital TV Reception
  • No
View Angle
  • 178 Degree
Panel Type
  • LED
LED Display Type
  • DLED
Aspect Ratio
  • 16:9, 4:3
Refresh Rate
  • 60 Hz
Supported Video Formats
Audio Features
Number of Speakers
  • 2
Number of Subwoofers
  • 2
Speaker Type
  • Box Speaker
Sound Technology
  • Dolby
Surround Sound
  • Yes
Speaker Output RMS
  • 20 W
Supported Audio Formats
  • MP3, M4A, WAV, RM, AC3, FLAC, OGG, AAC
Smart Tv Features
Number of Cores
  • 4
  • Quad Core Processor
Graphic Processor
  • No
Ram Capacity
  • NA
Storage Memory
  • 4 GB
Supported App - Netflix
  • No
Supported App - Youtube
  • Yes
Supported App - Disney+Hotstar
  • No
Supported App - Prime Video
  • Yes
Operating System
  • Linux
Screen Mirroring
  • Yes
Content Providers
  • Youtube, Prime Video, Zee 5, Aaj Tak, Sony LIV, Eros Now, Hungama, Plex, YuppTV
Supported Devices for Casting
  • Mobile
Built In Wi-Fi
  • Yes
Ethernet (RJ45)
  • 1
Connectivity Features
  • 3 Side
  • 2 Side
Streaming Platform
  • Miracast
Headphone Jack
  • 1
Audio Out
  • Yes
Other Connectivity Features
  • 3.5 mm Headphone Jack, AV in RCA, LAN, Coaxial Digital, Mini YPbPr, RJ45


Infinix Y1 109 cm (43 inch) Full HD LED Smart Linux TV with Wall Mount (43Y1)

You can stream movies, television shows, sporting events, and other content in Full HD on the Infinix 43Y1 Smart TV which offers an exceptional viewing experience by having a vibrant display with a peak intensity of 300 nits and HLG compatibility. This TV also has 20 W dual speakers with Dolby audio for a theater-like audio experience. Additionally, it has a handy remote control with hotkeys that make it simple to access Prime Video and YouTube.
In The Box
  • 1N LED TV, 1N Remote Control, 2N Base Stands, 2N Batteries, 1N User Manual, 4N Screws, 1N Wallmount, 1N Warranty Card
Model Name
  • 43Y1
  • Black
Display Size
  • 109 cm (43 inch)
Screen Type
  • LED
HD Technology & Resolution
  • Full HD, 1920 x 1080
  • Y1
Smart Tv
  • Yes
  • 2
  • 2
Built In Wi-Fi
  • Yes
Launch Year
  • 2022
Wall Mount Included
  • Yes
Video Features
  • 300 nits
View Angle
  • 178 degree
LED Display Type
  • Direct LED
Refresh Rate
  • 60 Hz
Audio Features
Number of Speakers
  • 2
Number of Subwoofers
  • 2
Sound Technology
  • Dolby Audio
Speaker Output RMS
  • 20 W
Supported Audio Formats
  • MP3, M4A, WAV, RM, AC3, FLAC, OGG, AAC
Smart Tv Features
Number of Cores
  • 4
Graphic Processor
  • Mali-G31
Supported App - Netflix
  • No
Supported App - Youtube
  • Yes
Supported App - Disney+Hotstar
  • No
Supported App - Prime Video
  • Yes
Operating System
  • Linux
Screen Mirroring
  • Yes
Content Providers
  • Youtube, Prime Video, Zee 5, Aaj Tak, Sony LIV, Eros Now, Hungama, Plex, YuppTV
Supported Devices for Casting
  • Laptop, Mobile, PC
Built In Wi-Fi
  • Yes
Connectivity Features
  • 2 (Rear)
  • 2 (Side)
Headphone Jack
  • 1 (Rear)
RF Connectivity Input
  • 1 (Rear)
Other Connectivity Features
  • 3.5mm Headphone Jack, AV in (RCA), LAN, Optical Out, RJ45, RF
Remote Control Features
Smart Remote
  • Yes
RF Capable
  • Yes
LED Backlit Buttons
  • No
Battery Type
  • 2 AAA Batteries
Power Features
Power Requirement
  • AC 100 - 240 V
Power Consumption
  • 0.35 W (Standby)
Convenience Features
Auto Power Off
  • No
Sleep Timer
  • No
Width x Height x Depth (without stand)
  • 957 mm x 507 mm x 85 mm
Width x Height x Depth (with stand)
  • 218 mm
Weight (with stand)
  • 5.91 kg